Special Offers

designed with your needs in mind

it's time to start living & Working with more joy

If you would like to discuss 1:1 support for your job search, please book a time for a free consult to discuss your needs here.

I want to help as many people as possible who have been impacted by recent layoffs and are facing uncertainty about their careers.

Many haven't applied for a job in a while (or ever) and are unsure about current best practices for navigating a job search.
No shame or worries needed
if this is true for you.

With support, YOU CAN navigate a job search with confidence!

If you have been laid off, are uncertain about your career,
or are looking to explore the job market because
you are unfulfilled in your current role, these offerings are for YOU

These offerings also makes an excellent gift of support
for loved ones conducting a job search.

Offering #1: Ask a Career Coach Session
Held via Zoom on 2/27 @1pm ET
For the cost of a coffee run ($10), you can get your job search questions answered by a career coach who has helped thousands navigate the job search process.
And you save $190 off the standard 1:1 coaching session rate!

Offering #2: 6-Week Career Coach Office Hours
Held via Zoom starting on 3/6 @1pm ET
Each week, we will focus on a critical job search topic
to set you up for job search success with less stress!

Week 1 (3/6): Job Search Strategy
Week 2 (3/13): Resume
Week 3 (3/20): LinkedIn Profile
Week 4 (3/27): Networking Strategy
Week 5 (4/10): Interview Prep Strategy
Week 6 (4/17): Managing Expectations &
Sustaining Motivation for Job Search
Bonus Week (4/24): Mock Interviews to Interview with Confidence

We'll spend the first 30 minutes learning best practices for the specific topic & spend the second half
answering YOUR questions.

You will get 6 weeks of rockstar level job search support for only $197!
That's a savings of over $200 for standard group coaching!

Sessions will be recorded and shared with registrants so no worries if you can't make this time work with your schedule demands every week.

Pick the offering that is right for YOU,
your schedule, and your budget.
You can choose BOTH for maximum support!

If you'd prefer to work together 1:1, book a free consult to discuss your needs further here.

job search support

Current Special Offers



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Joy Scrolling

for all the inspiration