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The Joyful Blog

Joyful Blog

I hear it time and time again. “Can you help me with my resume?” My response is almost always the same. “Yes, I can and I will but we won’t start there.” Your resume is not the best place to start when conducting a job search or contemplating a career transition. I understand the attraction […]

Career, Coaching, Job Search, Resume

May 15, 2021

Don’t Start With the Resume! Start with Yourself Instead

“And while we’re here, let’s get to our work!” Wes Moore closes his powerful Super Soul Sunday talk with these words having explained the importance in knowing the difference between our job and our work. Do these words excite you? Terrify you? Do they make you “nervicited” as my daughter likes to say? (nervous and […]

Career, Coaching, Job Search, Joy, Resume, Self-Care, vision

July 5, 2020

What’s Your Work? Can You Name It?

If you are unhappy in your career, read the fantastic article The Very First Step to Take to Change Your Career and then reach out and let me support you in making a change.

Career, Coaching, Job Search, Joy, Resume, Self-Care, vision

March 29, 2019

Feeling Stuck and Unhappy?

Joy Scrolling

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