I created this weekly reflection question post on Monday after listening to a few episodes of Brene Brown and Glennon Doyle’s respective podcasts on a recent road trip. And because these are questions I have learned (the hard way as they say) to take seriously over the years. And then Simone Biles courageously chose her well-being over all the high expectations and shoulds placed on her during the Olympics this week.
What courage indeed! I have no doubts Simone was scared to make and share her decision to prioritize her well-being. She did it anyway! “Doing it scared” is what courage is all about. Seeing our fears, thanking them for their doing their job to keep us safe, and then doing what we need to do without letting those fears be a barrier to our growth and well-being.
I have seen the joy, pride, and confidence that comes from clients (and others) having the courage to prioritize well-being over all the expectations and shoulds. We all have pain and struggles and fears and unrealistic expectations of ourselves at times. And we are all worthy and capable of managing our fears of the expectations and shoulds so that we can prioritize our well-being.
I encourage you to reflect on these two questions this coming week and see what comes up for you:
1) What no longer serves me?
2) How can I let those (habits, beliefs, expectations, relationships, etc.) go in a way that serves my current well-being?
Once you have some answers to these questions, I recommend that you commit to making one micro-change (not some lofty unattainable goal) that brings you one step closer to choosing your well-being and the joy, pride, and confidence that comes with growing that choice muscle. If you aren’t sure what micro-step to start with, I recommend starting with some self-love and go from there. Here’s a pic for some self-love inspiration: